Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Testing Season - WHY!?!?

In the State of Minnesota we commonly joke that we have two seasons: Winter and Road Construction... This isn't a new issue for the vast majority of educators, but it is becoming more apparent to me that we are at a fundamental crossroads in education where we spend our entire school year getting ready for ONE season, TESTING SEASON; with the results being used by the public to determine the worthiness of our teachers, schools, districts, communities and most damaging of all... OUR CHILDREN.

In the last week I attended conferences and found myself contradicting the message I feel forced to portray as a principal, not from my superintendent or school board but through the social pressures and external judgements placed on all schools.  One teacher shared the results of the state mandated scores and the truth is, I really didn't care about that outcome because my logical and educated mind knows the education of the whole child is much more than one test score on one day. Yet when I wear the hat of principal, I feel like there is no other choice than to push the teachers and students at my school to reach a certain level of proficiency on the state test. The truth is, I logically and educationally know better, yet I often struggle to not check the scores as they come rolling in.

Within the same week, another child was complaining about feeling sick, that her stomach aches and according to her parents she spent the evening in absolute tears - this was more than just your normal "tummy-ache".  After a good hour of discussing what was wrong, she shared that she had the state test tomorrow and was feeling the pressure of scoring well because she believes it will determine whether or not she can move on to the next grade AND is afraid that if she doesn't do well her teacher will not have a job next year.

Then yesterday, ALL State Testing Suspended... in the great state of Minnesota until further notice to make sure everything is working right with the company who developed the testing system that we are mandated to use.  If I were bright enough to do the arithmetic to figure out the amount of money to pay for the testing, the training put into preparing our staff for the testing and then the amount of time to try and make the whole thing work, it seems we could probably close the federal budget deficit (insert sarcasm here...). My point being, what do we really gain in this process? Does it make the politicians feel better? Does it help to validate how tax payer money is being spent? I don't have an answer for this... What I do know is that our teachers become forced to teach test strategies rather than children. Our children feel the need to show compliance rather than truly enjoying the process of learning. Ultimately all members of our school communities begin to feel devalued regardless of whether or not the schools performed proficiently or poorly on the state mandated assessment.

Yesterday I read a great post by Rick Wormeli about testing and how we have lost our focus on what we do to children in this era of accountability.

More often than not, I am worried about what we are doing to the children of our future because of the unnecessary pressures provided through these one-day, one-shot assessments.  If we really want to know what kids do or do not know, our kids and teachers should be able to take the results from the assessments and allow teachers to reteach and allow kids to retake the test until they show mastery - after all, what is deemed necessary for kids to learn has been directed to us from the state and federal levels. 

Regardless of what happens in the future, children and teachers need to know that what they do matters. Schools need to be able to move away from the entire spring being driven by testing and the rest of the year becoming test prep, to an understanding that children are individuals with individual needs. When we begin to identify what children need on a skill-by-skill basis and then respond to their needs and be treated as PROFESSIONALS to show the growth our students have made during the year, we will then have an assessment system designed to ensure learning for all.  Our communities, schools, teachers and students are more than one test or one season - the Test Does Not Define You!

Just my $.02


Sunday, December 15, 2013

Best Homework Task - EVER

Welcome to my first blog post on my new site! My previous blog was hosted by my former school district and I no longer have access to it - so here we go!


Good pals, +John Wink (@johnwink90) and +Bill Ferriter (@plugusin) have been challenging (in a very fun and informative way) others to participate in The Coolest Homework Task - EVER! I am honored to participate in this!  My first thought when I saw this was - can you imagine if we asked our students to do something like this? Talk about a fun and engaging activity, related to real life - hmmm, there's a novel idea!

My First Task - 11 Random Facts about Me.

  1. I have three amazing children - all completely different in so many ways. They all have awesome personalities that also drive us bonkers. All three of my kids learn completely different, which has made me a completely different and better educator than I was 12 years ago.  It has also challenged the way I have parented and is helping to improve on a daily basis.
  2. I am an Eagle Scout.
  3. As a kindergartener, I was kicked off the bus for sneaking matches in and trying to light the bus seat on fire - and from all accounts, I have turned out marginally well.  It just goes to show, we need to give everyone a chance and understand that a few dumb choices will not define who you are!
  4. If this was a healthy choice, I would eat donuts, ice cream, Chipotle and Diet Coke for my meals everyday!  As I head into my 40's, this is really catching up with me.
  5. This is my first year in a new school and district - it has been an amazing opportunity and I am so happy with the move.  Now, if our house would sell and the 65 min. commute each way would disappear, it would be even better... to be continued.
  6. Being a Minnesotan through and through, I have a huge passion for all things Minnesota sports, particularly Golden Gopher Basketball and Football!
  7. Being a Minnesotan through and through... I can't stand snow, and like hockey even less - figure that one out and get back to me!
  8. A goal of mine since college has been to write a children's book. Along the way I have become more and more interested in writing in general and my Associate work with Solution Tree has really pushed this desire.  Hopefully soon I will accomplish both of those goals!
  9. Some day, I will attend Oktoberfest in Germany! Growing up in a very German town (New Ulm, MN), being half German and enjoying a German beverage here and there, this seems like a natural thing to do. PROST!
  10. Eventually, I will get to all the Big Ten football stadiums and all MLB baseball stadiums.  So far, there is a LONG way to go:
    • Only Big Ten stadium  - TCF in Mpls...
    • Baseball - 
      • Boston
      • NY - Yankee
      • Chicago - Wrigley
      • Cincinnati
      • Milwaukee
      • Washington - RFK
      • San Francisco
  11. My dream vacation is either going to Europe or touring Civil War sites.

My Task from John
  1. What is your favorite Christmas tradition and why?Watching the kids open presents from Santa has to be my favorite part of Christmas, followed closely by my favorite memory as a child, listening to my grandmother belt out (not well I must add) Silent Night in German every Christmas Eve at church - priceless!
  2. If you could have anyone over for the holidays, who would it be and why? My ideal holiday visitors would simply be having an open door for all friends and family to come by.  I love sharing stories, having good food and drinks and laughing with the ones I love.
  3. Flaming hot hot sauce or mild and bland sauce?If I had to choose between the two - it would be mild.  I can't do flaming hot, but I do prefer something with some bite.
  4. Do you root for the underdog or the team predicted to win?Growing up as a Vikings fan, and never winning the big one even though we have been the favorite MANY times... I cheer for the underdog.  My tears are starting to dry up now - thanks for opening that wound, John! 
  5. Which person in your PLN do you find most interesting and why?Most interesting? Bill Ferriter (@plugusin) - his takes challenge me continually and they cover a wide variety of subjects, not just the same things over and over again.  With that being said, a person can't go wrong with John Wink (@JohnWink90), Matt Wachel (@mattwachel) or David Culberhouse (@DCulberhouse).
  6. Which book has made the most profound impact on your life?Pyramid Response to Intervention and Raising the Bar and Closing the Gap.  After reading these books, my work as an educator became very clear and defined my role as a principal.  Until that time, I didn't have the clarity about how to truly make a difference and how to get the staff on board with the focus on ensuring student learning.  
  7. What is your favorite decade of all time and what made it the best for you? I believe the 80's is the best decade I've been a part of - is there a better decade of classic movies, classic looks, and more damage to the Ozone layer with all the hairspray???  If there was a decade I wish I could have be around for would be the 1920's.  The world was changing, people were discovering their way in the world and living the way they wanted to.
  8. What is the best movie of all time?  The Shawshank Redemption - great story, great acting and no matter how often I watch it, I get goosebumps.
  9. Which animal best represents your personality and why? I had no idea... so I took this online quiz.  To be honest, I'm pretty curious what it would have meant if I came up as a sheep - Yikes!
    • The horse is a social, intelligent, and strong animal; but more importantly, is a helpful animal. Horses will look out for, and occassionally defend, those around them. Because of their natural strength, intelligence, and personality, many cultures consider horses to be very noble animals. Because you share those qualities, the horse represents you pretty well.
  10. What is your biggest professional accomplishment?  Within the past few years I helped to lead a troubled and divided staff to become unified toward ensuring student learning.  We showed dramatic improvements in student achievement and drastically reduced behavioral referrals while closing the achievement gap.  During this time, my school was accepted to be an All Things PLC school because of the hard work of my staff and students and have since become a PLC at Work Associate with Solution Tree.  Very exciting time and exciting future.
  11. What is your New Year's Resolution for 2014?  To put 2013 behind me and become a better father, educator and person.

Questions For You!
  1. .           If you could spend one hour with anyone, who would you choose?

    2.    In a Twitter response (140 characters or less), what has been the most transformational thing to guide your professional career?

    3.    Where will you go when you win the lottery and why?

    4.    What are your top 5 movies of all time?

    5.    Outside of family time, what is your favorite thing to do in your free time?

    6.    Coffee shop or sports bar?

    7.    If you had the chance to thank your professional mentor, what would you say?

    8.    What is your proudest moment?

    9.    What book guides your work? Why?

    10. What is the worst trouble you ever got into as a child?

    11.  What is your dream job?

My Fourth Task - Nominate 11 Bloggers to Join the Homework Club

Add yourself to the list and join the fun

Here is your Task

  1. Acknowledge the nominating blogger.
  2. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  3. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
  4. List 11 bloggers.
  5. Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let all the bloggers know they have been nominated. Don’t nominate a blogger who has nominated you